“Dr. Marie-Ève Lord specializes in the treatment of plagiocephaly and congenital torticollis. Dr. Marie-Ève has a special interest in children's sensory and motor development. Her strong interest in health and well-being motivated her to pursue extensive university studies in chiropractic care. Dr. Marie-Ève has also developed her practice focusing on pediatric and obstetric care for 11 years. She also uses the Thompson Technique, Activator, and Gonstead Method. She is a member of the Quebec Association for Pediatric and Perinatal Chiropractic and the Quebec Association of Qualified Lactation Consultants. Dr. Marie-Ève Lord is the owner of Clinique Accès-Chiropratique. The clinic aims to improve the quality of patients' lives by providing effective care that meets their needs and conditions.”
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