“Bridge Home Painting is a local family-owned and operated painting company that provides commercial, residential interior and exterior painting services to multiple businesses and industries. Dave Lillemo & Clint Nolan are the co-owners of the company. The company's painters have committed themselves to providing top-quality paintwork at very competitive prices. Their seasoned, professional, trustworthy painters will finish your work on time and budget. Bridge Home Painting provides high-quality work for a great value, using only trusted and service-minded tradespeople to ensure the job is done right. Quality paints and materials are used for each project. Their painters are trained, quality-focused, and fully certified. Bridge Home Painting provides a superior customer service experience from start to finish. Their speed, expertise and attention to detail will give you a quality job at a competitive price. They are licensed, insured and covered by WCB. The company offers senior discounts. Bridge Home Painting offers commitment-free consultation and estimates.”
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