“Dr. Neelesh Ranchod specializes in Pediatric Medicine and has years of experience in this field. He completed his Doctor of Medicine (MD) degree from the University of the Witwatersrand in 1995. Dr. Neelesh Ranchod is kind, understanding, knowledgeable, and great with children. He addresses all of your concerns respectfully. He manages children's physical, behavioral, and mental care from birth to adolescence. He is trained to diagnose and treat many childhood illnesses, from minor health problems to serious diseases. Dr. Neelesh Ranchod provides information about your child's health, safety, nutrition, and fitness needs. He cares about each child and helps them to do their best. Dr. Neelesh Ranchod makes infants feel comfortable and ensures they leave his care happy and healthy. He owns a clinic in Kelowna and offers a wide range of services.”
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