“Jeff Aird completed his Bachelor's degree with Honours and First Class standing in Kinesiology at Brock University in 2003. Jeff finished his Trainer Certification through the Certified Professional Trainers Network (CPTN). He was awarded the provincial distinction for excellence in exercise physiology from the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) in 2003. He continued his studies at the University of Western Ontario, completing his comprehensive Master's degree in Physical Therapy in 2005. He was an educational representative for the Niagara District of the Ontario Physiotherapy Association. He was also a member of the Program Advisory Committee at Niagara College for the OTA/PTA program. Jeff is a Registered Physiotherapist, Clinic Owner, and Director of Niagara Orthopaedic Institute. The clinic is committed to providing the most advanced and innovative physiotherapy services.”
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