“Hear Fine is an independent Ottawa hearing clinic that offers the top brands of hearing aids, such as those from Starkey, Signia (siemens), Phonak and many more. Neil Fine is the owner and chief audiologist of Hear Fine. He is incredibly personable and professional. His desire was shaped by a history of friends and family who experienced frequent ear infections suffering from hearing loss. The chief audiologist is registered provincially and nationally with CASLPO and SAC. Seeing family members negatively impacted and witnessing the types of repercussions hearing loss can produce, such as depression and the breakdown of communication between loved ones, solidified his goal to become an audiologist. Hear Fine uses state-of-the-art audiological equipment, and they can provide you with the best hearing healthcare service at competitive prices. They bring their clinic to 14 retirement residents across Ottawa to make hearing services easier for the community. They provide hearing tests, hearing aids, hearing protection, and more. They offer free scheduling services.”
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